Finding your path

Welcome. If you are looking for therapy, there must be some struggle. I hope we can help. If you decide to meet with us, we will try to figure out your goal for coming, or locate your wish for how you would like to feel internally. Our hope as a therapist is not to tell you what to do with your life but rather to inquire about habits of thought, or avoidance that keep you from listening to yourself or facing truths in your life.

Therapy may be new to you. It could be a path to knowing yourself more deeply, acknowledging and owning your feelings and thoughts that perhaps were not welcomed by your family or others close to you. One assumption our clinic starts with is that knowing and feeling your emotions will lead to more happiness, more authentic connection with others and a fuller life.

There is no shame in seeking out help and admitting what you are stuck about. There is no wrong time to begin. Reaching out is itself an expression of your own adaptive, transformative striving.

Our approach tends to focus on relational issues including a relationship with yourself. We may talk about our relationship with the hopes that doing so facilitates healing and builds skills such as noticing your own reactions moment to moment.

We work with all kinds clients some of whom want to overcome longer-term patterns of depression, relational trauma from the past and others who have a short-term issue that they could use help moving through. Some clients need to learn to think less and feel more. Others needs to learn to think more and not let their emotions dictate their actions.